Royal Dominion International Ministries exists to reach, touch and change the lives of people with the preaching and teaching the total Gospel of Christ from the undiluted word of God.


Our Mission

Royal Dominion International Ministries exists to reach, touch and change the lives of people with the preaching and teaching the total Gospel of Christ from the undiluted word of God.

  • Preaching the authentic, Holy Spirit-filled Good News of the word of God

  • Planting of a new testament Multi-Cultural and homogeneous churches

  • Reaching, touching and changing people's lives with unceasing intercessory prayers and the proclamation of the gospel of Christ. (Proverbs 29:18; I Corinthians 9:26)


Clearly defined goals lead to concrete achievements. When anyone travels the streets of “by and by” without vision; such arrives in “house of never.”

All over the world accomplishments cannot be separated from a clearly defined goals and purposes. The same principles hold for any organization that will impact its community and generation with the total gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We must bear in mind that “The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are” said Oliver Wendell Holmes, “but in what direction we are moving.” It is against the background that Royal Dominion International Church sets the following goals and definiteness of purpose.



A body of believers that knows, reveres, loves, worships and adores God the father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. People that love, read, meditate on the word of God day & night and obey the divine instruction of word of God. A body of believers that will fast and pray, intercede, supplicate for one another, for others churches, neighborhoods, counties, cities and our nation.



Members who love their neighbors. Members who love each other and value diversity. Members who actively seek peace at home, church, work, neighborhood, denomination and world at large.



People who are both passionate and spirit-filled to win souls for Christ.
People who lift up neighborhoods, communities and cities with unceasing prayers.
People with a passion for missions - both locally and internationally.
People who want to build prayer towers in every city of the world where holy hands will be lifted up constantly to God in unceasing worship & rugged prayers for the body of Christ.



People who will give according to their means.
People who are generous, liberal, and cheerful givers to the church and the work of the ministry.
People who will give much more as they grow in grace and reach the land of more than enough.

This is a Spirit-filled church and a house of prayer. They have a heart of worship here in Royal Dominion.
— Ayobami Fatunmbi, Church member, Royal Dominion Los Angeles